
2012-The Year of Yin and Yang

” Don’t let the bastards get you down, Lisë!” I can still hear my father’s words earlier this year.  He’s right, of course, as he is so very often.Those words fell upon my newly-numb ears. I, along with dozens of my colleagues, had just been told that we were out of work. Jobs that most […]

The Music of Her Life…..

This has been the hardest week of my life. As I work furiously to assemble WWII era songs onto an ipod for my mother, I wonder if I will even make it there on time. ‘There’ being the hospital where she has existed since September 2010. I wonder if she will even be able to […]

Family, Friends and all things important….

I bought a bunch of flowers today. They weren’t anything special or exotic. Just a simple bunch of pink tulips. Grocery store flowers. Pretty, but not captivating. Not a ‘must-have’ item. They weren’t on the grocery list. They certainly were not in the budget. It felt a little bit frivolous and unnecessary and like a […]