

It’s official!!  The Book Stall on Chestnut in Winnetka finally announced this Saturday’s reading and signing for “Harvey the Hungry Dog”. Round up  every wide-eyed or even sleepy-eyed child and bring ’em on over cause the fun starts at 11 a.m.  Here’s how the schedule is supposed to work: 1. Reading of ” The Adventures […]

Growing Pains

Growing Pains A whirlwind week of adjustments. To a new age in life ( I am very okay with that), to a new on-air fill-in job schedule and the reality that for now, I may not get even remotely close to keeping all of those around me as happy as they would like me to […]

Burnout blues….

Like a cannonball streaking through the air, the ride feels wild and cool and like it’s never going to end. But it does. And when it ends, most often with a crash into something significantly solid and cold, it hurts.  You may even wonder why you signed up to get on the list to take […]

Carpe Diem

Such a difference since last year at this time. The great thing is, I have achieved nearly all of the goals that I set for myself back then, both personally and professionally. Financially, well….not exactly, but I want to focus on the positive for today. I wanted my book, “Harvey the Hungry Dog” to be […]


So, a blogging we will go! This is new…and should be fun.!